Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To - the 4 P's of Temptale Recorders

Today, we thought it would be great to re-visit the topic that we started our Blog journey out with: temptale recorders. Temptale recorders, also commonly referred to as ryan recorders, are one of the most crucial elements of the produce loads that UWC specializes in. Temptale recorders keep a record of the in-transit temperature for the duration of a trip.

Now, let’s explore the 4 P’s of Temptale recorders:

1. Presence

Customers that require temperature recorders have paid for them, and they should be treated as additional product on the truck. It is the driver’s responsibility to check for their presence and ensure that the correct number of recorders are on the truck. For example, if a Customer has requested a temptale from each pickup and there are 4 picks, drivers must make sure that there are a total of 4 temptales on the truck. Drivers must also make sure that the recorder serial number that is on the bill of lading matches the serial number on the actual device. These details are the driver’s responsibility and UWC must be notified of any discrepancies. If you are not allowed access to a loading dock (to confirm, count, pulp temperatures, and temptale recorder presence), please remember to document “Shipper Load and Count” on your bill of lading.

2. Position

The position of the recorder is critical to make sure that they provide an accurate reading. According to Sensitech, the correct location of the temptale is on the back right pallet facing the doors. If the temptale is to be placed before the last pickup, or is required for every pickup, the temptale should still be placed on the last pallet for that pickup.

Temperature recorders should not be placed on trailer walls because this permits heat that is conducted through the walls to affect the reading produced by the recorder.

3. Placement

Recorders must be placed on the top of boxes on the pallet in order to provide an accurate reading. Make sure that the recorder is placed carefully as to not damage it.

4. Performance

Make sure that the recorder is in good working order and is turned on. The recorder will be insignificant if its performance is not verified.

These 4 P’s will help in the success of your deliveries. If you need a refresher or assistance in any loading particulars, remember to refer to UWC’s Carrier Loading Guidelines V2 Brochures. Available on our website in English or Spanish!!
Always remember, ALL PRODUCE LOADS MUST BE RUN ON CONTINUOUS, regardless of the type of product!!!
Have any experiences or tips for temptale recorders? Please share!!!

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