Thursday, July 7, 2011


Pulp – not just great in orange juice – also an essential part of hauling any refrigerated produce load!

Pulp at Pickups
A pulp temperature thermometer is a mandatory tool for all produce loads. As per our Carrier Loading Guidelines, UWC instructs each and every driver to, at the point of loading, pulp the product that they are picking up and record the temperature on the bill of lading (BOL). If access to the loading dock is not allowed, drivers must record “shipper load and count” on the BOL. The reason for noting either one of these events on the BOL is that it can help protect the carrier if any issues arise upon delivery. It is critical that if the pulp temperatures at pickup are any different than what is written on the BOL and/or on the UWC Load sheet, the driver MUST contact UWC immediately, prior to leaving the shed. We can then take the appropriate action and advise all interested parties.

Pulp at Deliveries
The same instructions are given for the delivery stage – drivers must record product pulp temperatures on the bill of lading at the time of delivery. In addition, if drivers do not have access to the unloading dock, “receiver unload and count” must be written on the BOL. This will further help protect drivers; our primary goal is to prevent exposure to claims and other additional costs. Adhering to the pulp procedures outlined above, along with the rest of the procedures outlined in UWC’s Carrier Loading Guidelines brochure, will increase your level of success for the safe and timely delivery of goods!

Pulp all the Time!!!
Did you know??? UWC pulp temperature thermometers are available for FREE at TC Trans!

If you don’t have one, pick one up today!!! If you are using one of our thermometers, what are your opinions of them??

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